Live Roleplay

Welcome to the section of my homepage that is devoted to Live Roleplay, a form of interactive theatre that enables a person to exchange the modern world for a life of fantasy for a short period of time. To completely immerse oneself for a short time in this world and to totally become a different person is the objective and the fun of live roleplay. Within the confines of the setting of the live roleplay event, anything is possible.

I first started Live roleplay in 2002, when I was dragged along by a friend who was my boyfriend back then. This is a short, alphabetical summary. The more complete (including character names) and chronological list can be found here: The Book Of Larp.
  • Anarquendor Picnic 1;
  • Anarquendor Picnic 2;
  • Bonebreaker's Bar IX;
  • Bonebreaker's Bar X;
  • Bravewood I;
  • Charm XVI;
  • Drachenfest 2004;
  • Drachenfest 2006;
  • Dragonlair: Chronicles of Mist;
  • Dragon's Rift Orcball Tournament;
  • Dummnoni Bar night;
  • Formanterra IV;
  • Formanterra V;
  • Formanterra IIX;
  • Jarinsveld Playtest;
  • Kederan XIII;
  • Lands in Exile II;
  • Lands in Exile III;
  • Lands in Exile special;
  • Legendfalls II;
  • Legendfalls III;
  • Legendfalls special;
  • Legendfalls IV;
  • Legendfalls V;
  • Lextalionis I;
  • Lextalionis II;
  • Lextalionis III;
  • Lextalionis VII;
  • Maerquin 24-hour;
  • Maerquin 21;
  • Maerquin 22;
  • Maerquin 23;
  • Maerquin 24;
  • Maerquin 25;
  • Maerquin Short Adventure;
  • Moonblade III;
  • Moonblade IV;
  • Moots 2, 2008;
  • Moots 1, 2009;
  • Moots 2, 2009;
  • Omen 5;
  • Omen 6;
  • Omen 7;
  • Omen 8;
  • Puerto Diablo 5;
  • Puerto Diablo 6;
  • Shadowrifts I;
  • Shadowrifts II;
  • Shadowrifts IV;
  • Shiverz III;
  • Shiverz IV;
  • Shiverz V;
  • Sonsbeeklive Game 1;
  • Summoning X;
  • Summoning XIII
  • Yoshida Weekend 1;
  • Yoshida Weekend 2;
  • Yoshida Weekend 3;
  • Yoshida Weekend 4;

NOTE 1: Everything you read on the internet is information your character can NOT know, for they don't know electricity, computers, or internet. Keep your Out of Character Info and your In Character info strictly apart.

Note 2: All characters on this page are designed and played by myself. Pictures here are, unless otherwise specified, copyright me (according to portrait law), please do not distribute.